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I Wished Him Dead So Many Times……………

https://medium.com/@pamperkins/i-wished-him-dead-so-many-times-1ed73c719789   Dear Friends,  This is a story I never thought I'd tell, but I knew that sharing my feelings through the written word would be cathartic, and it was.  Grief comes in many different forms.  This time my grief has more to do with what I don't know

How a Whale Shark Eased the Pain of Watching a Friend Die

Dear Friends,  This is a story I've been wanting to write for several years as I will never forget this experience, and I pray I never go through something like this again.  I hope you enjoy the story.  Please click on the link below.  Pam       https://medium.com/p/how-a-whale-shark-eased-the-pain-of-watching-a-friend-die-e1150a838031?source=email-212ae54da38d--writer.postDistributed&sk=33918685c338b0de3f3bcb7e231612c4