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Personal Insights

I Wished Him Dead So Many Times……………

https://medium.com/@pamperkins/i-wished-him-dead-so-many-times-1ed73c719789   Dear Friends,  This is a story I never thought I'd tell, but I knew that sharing my feelings through the written word would be cathartic, and it was.  Grief comes in many different forms.  This time my grief has more to do with what I don't know

2020 — A year when only a few good things happened

What we wouldn't give to be hugging you right now.     Instead we are pretty much confined to our house since our county just went on a second lock down that extends until mid-January 2021.  When it gets lifted will depend on medical statistics over which

I Don’t Like Living in Limbo (redux)

Dear Friends, Thank you for your patience with me.   One problem with not publishing frequently is that I can  screw up.  Hopefully my story, which I published initially on Medium,  will come through on my second attempt. For some of you, there will be some

How a Whale Shark Eased the Pain of Watching a Friend Die

Dear Friends,  This is a story I've been wanting to write for several years as I will never forget this experience, and I pray I never go through something like this again.  I hope you enjoy the story.  Please click on the link below.  Pam       https://medium.com/p/how-a-whale-shark-eased-the-pain-of-watching-a-friend-die-e1150a838031?source=email-212ae54da38d--writer.postDistributed&sk=33918685c338b0de3f3bcb7e231612c4

Confronting Fear Outside Your Comfort Zone

Dear Friends,  I have just published a new piece on Medium which I hope you will read here on my website.   I'm always willing to share a little something personal in order to inspire others, so I hope you find my story of interest. Medium


It may seem maudlin to some, but I enjoy reading obituaries, especially those printed in The New York Times,  which are considered a form of creative non-fiction.    From cradle to grave, people's lives fascinate me.   Some might say I'm nosey, but I would


  This month marks the anniversaries of two landmark events, both of which changed the future for men and women in our country and around the world.   (1) The Supreme Court's decision legalizing abortion in Roe vs. Wade, and (2) the first successful human heart


Yesterday I celebrated my 74th birthday and woke up this morning wondering if I would feel any different than I did the day before.  No change.   I try not to dwell on age,  but knowing that the end is closer in sight brings new