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I could feel the excitement build when the pilot announced we were beginning our descent into Tabriz, but I wasn't nervous or scared.  It just felt different.  I glanced at the other women on the plane, looking for a signal as to when I should

A Moment of Zen – Antarctica Final Chapter

Antarctica seems to affect all visitors the same way. You can't get the experience of IT out of your head. You dream about IT. You think about IT. You smell IT. And yet, while you are there, IT is difficult to comprehend, to grasp, and even more impossible

South Georgia Chapter Three

As a major element of our 2017 trip to Antarctica with Quark Expeditions, we spent three full days exploring the amazing island of South Georgia, not exactly on the way to the Antarctic Peninsula from our embarkation point at Ushuaia, but well worth the three-day southeasterly jaunt on

The Seventh Continent Chapter 2

The Albatross In one day I must have dressed and undressed at least three times, but my wardrobe pretty much stayed the same with long underwear and fleece as the basic theme. Thankfully, penguins, seals and albatross weren't interested in our clothes, although I wondered what they thought when

My Seventh Continent

If I told you I went to Antarctica with the Shackleton party, I think you might doubt me, but it's true. Six travelers, who are distantly related to one of history's most renowned Antarctic explorers, Ernest Shackleton, were on board our ship, along with Bruce and me and